The Dale Hurst Writing Show – Bournemouth Writing Festival 2024

Back at the end of April, we were fortunate enough to take The Dale Hurst Writing Show to Bournemouth Writing Festival. There, we had the honour of chatting with four experts in their respective, varied fields — a writing coach, novelist and screenwriter; a children’s author and scent consultant; a poet, and, in a first for the podcast, a memoirist. As a precursor to the festival, we also spoke to its founder and organiser to find out more about what could be expected from the event.

Alongside these five bonus editions, we also welcomed the help of two guest presenters, Amber Collins and Prajvi Mandhani. Both of them posed the podcast’s Q&A questions to Bournemouth Writing Festival attendees; talented writers and creatives in their own right.

To kick our bonus mini-series off, we find out about what’s to come at Bournemouth Writing Festival from the event’s director and founder, marketing consultant and author Dominic Wong. What’s new, what’s improved, plus any favourites from last year returning. What are the benefits to attending a writing festival in the first place?

Novelist and founder of Bang2Write Lucy V Hay popped along for a little chat about what skills and techniques that transfer well between writing prose and writing for screen.

For more information on Bang2Write, visit their website.

Author and scent expert Liam R Findlay dropped by our digs to discuss the oft-forgotten smell sense and its role in descriptive writing. Featuring a tiny snippet of his book, The Doomtown Dummies.

Follow Liam on Instagram to keep up with his work.

Poet and Dale’s fellow Bournemouth University alum Emilie Fiirgaard Rasmussen joined the show to talk about the considerations that go into defining one’s poetic voice.

In a first for The Dale Hurst Writing Show, we welcomed Beverley Glick, author of In Your Own Words, just after her talk at Bournemouth Writing Festival 2024 to discuss writing memoirs. What is the distinction between memoir and autobiography? And what, if anything, is off-limits for life writing?

Find out more about Beverley and her work on her website.

Alongside Dale’s conversations, our guest presenters Amber and Prajvi invited several talented creatives attending the festival to answer a few of our favourite questions. What do they write? Why do they write? And of course, the regular podcast Qs — their favourite characters, scenes and dialogue, and their biggest influences and inspirations as writers.

The Dale Hurst Writing Show is a fortnightly, seasonal podcast. To get in touch about topics and guests for future seasons, or for more author news and views, refer to Dale’s Facebook and Instagram pages. Also, to check our latest updates, head over to the blog page.