The Dale Hurst Writing Show – Season 4
Season 4 of The Dale Hurst Writing Show began on 15 August 2024, launching with a conversation with author L.S. Goozdich about crafting adventure fiction and ending in mid-December with a traditional Christmas-themed reunion, featuring Ryan Avery, Dan Buckley, Jordan Pace and newcomer Mariia Brega.
We kicked our Season 4 proceedings off by taking listeners on an adventure. Or at least delving into the ins and outs of writing adventure stories. The author of Vipers and Red Rocks and Retaliation Mountain, as well as the pulp series The Noah Redford Adventures, L.S. (Luke) Goozdich is the one steering this season’s first episode.
Keep up with Luke’s work and news on Instagram and visit his website.
Ever wondered how writers construct series like Black Mirror and American Horror Story? Screenwriter Asad Moghal brings along insights from his own comedy series, Patterns (available on Amazon Prime), to discuss writing the anthology format for screen.
It seems like absolutely forever since we did an episode on the science fiction genre, so here we are, pontificating fresh spins on a saturated area of creative writing. Author D.C. Eastman joins us for a discussion that includes some psychological musings, thoughts on lucid dreams, and the curse of instant gratification.
Find out more about D.C. Eastman on his website, or follow him on Instagram and Facebook.
Combining two of our favourite themes, we apply experiences of independent publishing to poetry specifically. And who better to lend their insights to two recently published poets? Karishma Natu, whose second book Under Orange Blossom was released in September, while Ben Whittall’s Man is an Ocean dropped earlier this year
If you’re interested in Karishma’s work, buy her first anthology Beneath the Blue on Amazon, and keep up with her work on Instagram.
For Ben’s work, you can order his latest release, and follow him on Instagram to stay up to date with his news.
Fantasy fans know where to find Mordor, Rivendell, Casterly Rock and Winterfell in their heads, but where do they fall on maps of their respective realms? How does a fantasy author go about plotting the locations of their cities, rivers, mountains and more? And how are these locations crucial to plot and character development? Just some of the questions that Lee Dawson, creator of The Brightstone Saga helped us answer!
Follow Lee on Instagram or Facebook to keep on top of his latest news and releases. In addition, find out more on Lee’s website.
First, we welcomed back screenwriter Ryan Avery, along with newcomer producer Mariia Brega, as they discussed their film project, RedLight. We also debated whether horror movies have any place on the festive viewing list.
Next, we reunited with Ocean View Marketing’s Dan Buckley to unveil the trials of trying to market a product at Christmas.
And finally, composer and musician Jordan Pace chatted us through what makes a memorable and/or popular Christmas song.
The Dale Hurst Writing Show is a fortnightly, seasonal podcast. To get in touch about topics and guests for future seasons, or for more author news and views, refer to Dale’s Facebook and Instagram pages. Also, to check our latest updates, head over to the blog page.