Progress Report — December 2024

Time to round 2024 off with an end-of-year newsletter and progress report.

I feel like I say it every year. It has been a bit of a rollercoaster year where writing is concerned. One that did not go to plan at all, as you’ll appreciate from the following post. But I want to assure you all that, at the time of writing this blog, I am back on the proverbial horse. Whether temporary or a bit longer-lasting, I can’t say. Let’s just manifest positive vibes and hope it comes to something!


For those who need a reminder or who are visiting us for the first time, Silhouettes is my first-ever short story and poetry collection. A project I decided to push up the schedule while other projects took a lot longer to come to fruition (see below). Since I checked in in November, I have sent the draft of Silhouettes to three beta readers, with a mind to get their feedback in January.

In the meantime, it’s typical but I can’t stop thinking of other short stories that I’d like to add to it! I won’t add to it, but I will continue to write short pieces. In fact, just this evening, I finished the first draft of a new crime piece I hope to enter into contests in 2025!

Anyway, I’ve been planning and strategising like a mad person for the next few months of Silhouettes‘ gestation. I hope (hope being the operative word) that I can release this anthology in Summer 2025. As always, I’ll let you know more once I know — in this case, it’s all dependant on what the feedback is (and whether it arrives on time!)

You Can Hear Chopin from the Attic

As most of you know, You Can Hear Chopin from the Attic (or just Chopin for short) is my third full-length novel. A historical piece concerning the staff at a hotel in Berlin during World War II. And a notorious labour of love where my work is concerned. When 2024 began, I had it in mind to have this story re-drafted, edited several times and sent out to beta readers by now. Alas, my mental health has done a serious number on me this year, and I am not much further on from when I was when I finished the book this time last year!

But, we move forward, and I have every intention of resuming the edits on Chopin in the new year. I have a clearer image of what I want it to look like and, more importantly, what it was about the story that was getting me down!

If you’re interested in reading my existing work, find out more information on my Books page.

The Dale Hurst Writing Show

I have been very touched by how many people have told me not to cancel my podcast, The Dale Hurst Writing Show. That was the plan I settled on — that next year’s season would be its last. However, there have been one or two developments that have led me to reconsider. Nothing is set in stone at this point — I am still weighing up the pros and cons. But it could be that next year’s season is not the final season… maybe just the final season for a while.

This year, the podcast grew in more ways than one, not least because I got to take it to Bournemouth Writing Festival in the spring. We’re now about to finish Season 4 with our usual Christmas Reunion special come season finale. This time around, I was glad to invite screenwriter Ryan Avery, marketer Dan Buckley from Ocean View Marketing, and composer Jordan Pace, as well as newcomer, film producer Mariia Brega to the show. Don’t forget to subscribe if you want to keep up to date with the latest episodes. Find the show on Spotify.

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