Season 4 of The Dale Hurst Writing Show to launch in August

We can’t stop podcasting… The Dale Hurst Writing Show returns with Season 4 later this month.

Black tile with white text reading "The Dale Hurst Writing Show Season 4 launching 15 August 2024"2024 has already been a busy year for The Dale Hurst Writing Show. We took the podcast to Bournemouth Writing Festival earlier in the year to produce a series of special mini-episodes, and now, we’re bringing it back for a full season. Season 4, to be precise. This post offers an idea, for newcomers and repeat visitors alike, of what to expect. Or you can visit Spotify and listen to the trailer.

I’ve not listened to The Dale Hurst Writing Show before. What can I expect?

As it’s Season 4, the podcast has a well-ironed format, with episodes comprising both discussion about a different topic each edition and interview with the special guests. The guests themselves vary, but the vast majority are writers of some kind, all at differing stages of their careers. The Dale Hurst Writing Show commits itself to exploring the writing and storytelling craft across all mediums, so the podcast isn’t limited to writers of prose. Poets, screenwriters, playwrights, filmmakers and more have featured in episodes since the show’s inception in 2021.

Episodes in the upcoming fourth season explore a wide breadth of subjects, in our usual style ranging from the basics to the nitty-gritty. Some of the topics include writing adventure stories, mapping fantasy realms, how we can put a fresh spin on science fiction, and self-publishing poetry.

In addition to the guests’ insights into their respective topics, the writers also tell listeners about the characters, scenes and dialogue they love to write. We also learn who their inspirations and influences are as writers, and what traps aspiring creatives should avoid.

Which guests feature in Season 4?

Like previous guests, we’ve enjoyed meeting and chatting with a plethora of creatives across the craft. And not only in our home of the UK. Season 4 will feature the likes of adventure novelist L.S. Goozdich, and poets Karishma Natu and Ben Whittall, as well as authors Lee Dawson, D.C. Eastman and Oscar Mendoza. We also enjoyed chatting with Asad Moghal, the writer behind the Amazon Prime series Patterns, and screenwriter-director Andrea M Catinella.

Where do we listen?

Season 4 of The Dale Hurst Writing Show launches on Thursday 15 August 2024, and new episodes will follow every two weeks, ending with a Christmas special mid-December. You can listen on Spotify and Amazon Music, as well as catch up with all our previous episodes.

Want to find out more about the podcast? There’s more info on our website. Or maybe you have an idea for a guest or topic for an episode? Get in touch with us via Facebook and Instagram
