Progress Report — January 2020
Back after a bit of a hiatus, what writing-related news do we have for you?
Sorry I’ve been away for a bit, but there was so much going on in December as you can imagine. And, aside from my work on HQB Media, which takes up a lot of my time, my main priority was just getting on with revisions for the second Berylford Scandals novel. Given I originally wanted a Christmas 2019 release for that book, we are grossly behind schedule there.
In the meantime, the good feedback has continued coming in for Lust & Liberty, as illustrated below.

This is always so nice to see! Amazon reviews are very important, so if you’re reading this and you have already read by first book, please leave your feedback here.
Anyway, it’s been a couple of months, so let’s catch you up.
HQB Media
Brand-new stories, both written and filmed, are coming out around now in the online magazine I write and edit. Nothing in the way of podcasting to report, unless you missed our hilarious Christmas specials. Even got a quote of mine from one of the earlier episodes emblazoned on an apron — made quite the impression as a Secret Santa present. The format for the podcast is changing for the next season, starting in March. So if you’re a regular listener, keep your eyes out for that.
The Berylford Scandals: Sin & Secrecy
First thing to report is — EIGHT. CHAPTERS. LEFT. So close to the finish line I can practically smell it! However, a lot of the remaining workload is original story, rather than revisions. As you can imagine, if the words aren’t coming, that makes the job so much more difficult. We have just killed off and buried one beloved major character. And now we’re tying all the plot points together to build up to the fate of the second. They have by this point amassed so many enemies in Berylford; the question is will they survive as the plot comes to a crescendo?
Now looking at a (hopeful) release at the end of February. Already have a cover artist lined up and might even arrange for a book trailer. Some celebratory content is planned either way, so be on the lookout.
The Future of Berylford
I get a lot of readers asking how many stories are planned for The Berylford Scandals series. Given I have made it pretty clear that the next book I plan to write will not be a Berylford story. The answer is I have no set number for Berylford. At the moment, I have six “main” scandals planned, plus a series of Christmas novels. And then on top of that, there’s no real limit. Short story collections and standalone novels will be set in and around Berylford. One such story, the plot and characters for which I planned during December, is a horror-mystery novel tentatively entitled The Wraxhill Grave Robber. Like the sound of that? Feel free to ask me more about it!
For more news and content or to get in touch, please follow my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
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